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What If? The Knights of Summer

Renly saw his men frantically pushing against one another, fighting to escape the noxious smoke pouring off the collapsing siege tower. Steel pauldrons clanged against breast plates and helmets as the Rose Knights climbed over one another to survive. The tower moaned as it leaned forward. Green flames began to rain down on the powerless soldiers. The lucky ones were crushed as the tower finally crashed to the ground. The surviving soldiers screamed as the wildfire ate at their flesh.

The Story

"Renly is a charismatic man, winning friends easily, but he also strikes some people as frivolous. Renly enjoys tourneys and hunting but is not driven by the passion for food, drink, or wenching as King Robert came to be. He is quite popular with smallfolk due to his good looks, friendly ways, and charisma."

In this scenario, players get to find out what would happen if Renly won the battle against Stannis at Storm's End, or if Stannis decided to turn his attention to a different foe (What If? The Pack Survives) before challenging his brother. Besieging King's Landing, Renly believes it is only a matter of time before he sits on the Iron Throne. But Tyrion and his giant cache of wildfire have other plans.

Gameplay & Strategy

This scenario uses the Siege Warfare mechanic. While I’ve enjoyed the A Storm of Swords game mode when I’ve played it, I wanted to create a more measured, defensive game mode that better represented a prolonged siege. The Lannister player gets access to the Wildfire Trebuchet.

This will be a big obstacle for the generally slow moving Renly side, so the Renly player should try and collect as many Siege Attacker Cards as possible to strike back at the wildfire flinging weapon.

This is a fan-made scenario inspired by CMON Limited’s A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game and is in no way associated with CMON.

Watercolor Penguin 2

    2023 Board Man Gaming. Created with

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