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Cattle Raid in the Westerlands

“Curse the old cow!” hollered a Mormont soldier.

“If you’re going to speak harsh about me, Barrett, do it to my face!” Lady Maege Mormont snarled.

“Nah, Maege,” the soldier responded. “I ain’t talking ‘bout you. I'm talking ‘bout this actual bloody cow here that won’t move its bloody arse. Curse the fool.” The cow mooed defiantly. “Yes, you. Curse the whole lot of ‘em.”

The soldiers lashed the stubborn cattle, praying they would finally move in a somewhat helpful direction. House Mormont was far more skilled at fighting than herding, but they would do whatever was needed of them to win the war.

The Story

"After the Battle of Oxcross, Lady Mormont captures thousands of cattle in the Westerlands and drives them towards the Riverlands."

Gameplay & Strategy

While this event is no more than a sentence or two from A Clash of Kings, it provided me a great opportunity to highlight Maege Mormont and the Mormont combat units. It also inspired me to create the Livestock unit.

As I mentioned in the House Arryn Expansion article when talking about the Pack Mules unit, there are some things CMON likely won’t ever release because they’re narrative/support pieces that wouldn’t work in a typical game, but as additions to a narrative scenario, they’re a lot of fun. I like the idea of adding a Smallfolk unit and Livestock unit to depict how the war affected so many across Westeros, not just lords and knights.

The Livestock have one job: make it to the enemy deployment zone safely. If they do, you can score up to 2 VPs per round. They don’t offer much else, but luckily your opponent won’t score a VP if they are destroyed. Just keep them hidden behind one of your more defensive units and push up the battlefield.

This is a fan-made scenario inspired by CMON Limited’s A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game and is in no way associated with CMON.

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