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Attack on Castle Black

It was not easy for the Magnar of Thenn to follow another man's orders. Styr ruled the Thenns with an iron-fist, viewed as more of a god than a man by his people. Mance Rayder had to defeat him three times in battle to convince him to join the King-Beyond-the-Wall. Now there were none more dedicated to Mance's cause. Styr had seen the army of the dead, and even a living god could not stop them. The only way to save his people was to take Castle Black and open the gate. If he had to kill every last crow to do so, all the better.

The Story

"Styr announces his upcoming arrival by torching Mole's Town early in the morning. The beacon on Weatherback Ridge is lit in response by the Night's Watch. Styr begins his attack at nightfall. As the raiders and Thenns begin to storm Castle Black, the archers positioned in the three towers of the castle start to shoot down their arrows."

Gameplay & Strategy

Attack on Castle Black is the first of a trilogy of book-inspired scenarios based around the Battle for the Wall, along with Wildlings at the Gate and Battle Beneath the Wall.

Originally, this scenario utilized more terrain to create a pseudo-Castle Black with walls and a gate that the Free Folk player had to navigate. While I enjoyed the original version, I prefer my newer and updated custom scenarios to stick more closely to existing game modes.

This is a fan-made scenario inspired by CMON Limited’s A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game and is in no way associated with CMON.

Below is a preview of this scenario. To see the full document, use this link:

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