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The Great Khal

The Great Khal's arakh pierced the skull of the rival dothraki's mount. The beast dropped dead, crushing the legs of its rider. Drogo watched the pathetic dothraki moan. Drogo said a quick prayer for the dead horse. "Hrazef haj athdrivar." He spit on the dying dothraki, then turned away and hunted for his next victim.

The Story

"Drogo has little interest in invading Westeros, a land that holds nothing in particular that the Dothraki want and is located across the sea, which they have always feared. However, he reconsiders after an assassin tries to kill Dany and claim Robert Baratheon's reward. Enraged by the attempt on his wife's life, Drogo reaffirms his commitment to conquer the Seven Kingdoms for her sake and seat their son on the throne of her ancestors. He pillages several towns in Lhazar to harvest slaves to exchange for warships that will take his horde across the sea. While in Lhazar, Drogo's khalasar defeats the rival khalasar of Khal Ogo. Drogo slays Ogo himself, but takes a wound to the chest."

Gameplay & Strategy

This is the first scenario inspired by our ongoing Campaign of Thrones battle reports. I wanted to have a scenario with Drogo in Essos before he attempts to cross the Narrow Sea. This battle will determine whether Drogo dies as he does in the true narrative, or if he can survive and make his way to Westeros (and its many open fields). Look for that battle report in the next few weeks.

The YouTube channel Le Bar à Théo has made yet another excellent battle report of one of my scenarios. You don't often see videos of 30-point battles, so I think it's cool they picked this one.

Below is a preview of this scenario. To see the full document, use this link:

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