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The Alchemist's Substance

Stannis Baratheon watched as his fleet moved towards King’s Landing. How many hours before he would sit upon the Iron Throne? He knew that the smallfolk would not hail him as a glorious king, or beloved king, or generous king. But he was the rightful heir…


A terrible noise erupted from the river. Green flames danced along the river. The men who didn't die in the fire storm wept, screamed, prayed to their helpless gods. They watched fellow soldier’s flesh char black and fall off the bone. Stannis turned and prepared for battle.

The Story

"Tyrion Lannister has ordered several of Joffrey's ships to be filled with wildfire. Stannis' fleet is lured further in the bay when Joffrey's pull back. When they engage the fleet of King's Landing, the ships and the river are soon afire. The wildfire destroys nearly every ship in both fleets."

Gameplay & Strategy

This scenario is the first in a four-part series depicting the book version of the Battle of the Blackwater. As the Baratheon ships sail up the Blackwater Rush, the Pyromancers race to get Wildfire to the shore in time to ignite Stannis’ fleet.

This is a fan-made scenario inspired by CMON Limited’s A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game and is in no way associated with CMON.

Watercolor Penguin 2

    2023 Board Man Gaming. Created with

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