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Seizure of Westerlands Gold Mines

The light from Lord Jon Umber’s torch danced across the ripples of the pitch-dark pool. The Umber forces had already seized the mines at Nunn’s Deep and Pendric Hills, and now they surveyed the infamous ruin of Castamere.

An Umber soldier stared at the water for a long while. “Heard the damned song all my life... never thought I’d ever be here.”

“Aye,” the Greatjon bellowed. “You just need to scrap with a bear, lick honey off a maiden’s titties, and diddle the Dornishman’s wife, and you’ll be the next Corlys Velaryon.” The men’s laughter echoed throughout the empty caverns. Greatjon leaned over the pool and spat. “Drowned rats, slain by a craven cat. And so I spoke, the lord in Castamere.”

The Story

"Lord Greatjon Umber is sent by Robb to capture several gold mines to hurt House Lannister's wealth. Castamere, Nunn's Deep, and the Pendric Hills are seized and held until Robb's withdrawal from the westerlands."

Gameplay & Strategy

I haven’t used the mission deck game modes often when designing custom scenarios, but this seemed like a good opportunity. I imagine that battling in and around mines would lead to a lot of fog of war, so I tried to capture that with the Winds of Winter game mode with lots of terrain.

This is a fan-made scenario inspired by CMON Limited’s A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game and is in no way associated with CMON.

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