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For the Watch

Ser Patrek watched her from a distance. The wildling princess always acted aloof around the Baratheon soldiers. As if somehow a godless savage was better than the Soldiers of the Storm. She walked quickly past the men and disappeared into Hardin's Tower.

Queen Selyse had informed Ser Patrek that morning that the Lady Val would be his betrothed. Then why did he still feel such a powerful desire to prove himself to her? To steal her way, like a wildling savage would do.

The knight assured himself. "You are Ser Patrek of King's Moutain. King's Mountain. King's Mountain."

He adjusted his belt and headed towards the tower. "Dak! Lamb! With me."

BOOM! A large hairy foot exploded through a snowdrift. The giant Wun Wun scratched his arm as he stared down at the three Baratheon men. Ser Patrek looked up. The Lady Val was watching them from her bedchamber window.

"Perhaps we should come back another time?" Dak suggested nervously.

"King's Mountain waits for no man. Certainly for no BEAST!"

The knight let out a hollow laugh and drew his sword.

The Story

"Weeks after Stannis Baratheon departed for Winterfell, Lord Commander Jon Snow receives a taunting letter purportedly from Ramsay Bolton, addressed to 'Bastard,' which claims that Stannis has been defeated and Mance Rayder captured. It demands fealty from Jon to House Bolton if the Night's Watch is to survive and gives a detailed account of Ramsay's actions."

Gameplay & Strategy

A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game doesn't necessarily lend itself to small skirmish-sized conflicts, or sudden assassination attempts. The murder of Jon Snow is about the boiling tension at Castle Black, so this scenario captures the chaos of the moment and the inevitable confrontation between Jon and the mutineers. Sworn Brothers are limited to Jon Snow's side to represent the Night's Watch brothers who stood by their Lord Commander. Though this scenario is based on the book version of events, adding Alliser Throne to the Night's Watch army and Davos Seaworth to the Free Folk army allows you to re-enact the Season 5 finale and the first two episodes of Season 6.

This is a fan-made scenario inspired by CMON Limited’s A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game and is in no way associated with CMON.

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