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Fight at the Fist

The snow bear lumbered forward, its bright blue eyes fixed on the black-clad warriors. The beast's corpse roared, signaling the beginning of the onslaught. Three horn blasts echoed across the Fist of the First Men down to the haunted forest below, a warning not heard in over a thousand winters. The night was alive with the clamor of the dead.

The Story

"While waiting for the last of the search parties to return to decide on a plan of action regarding the wildlings, the Watch are attacked by hundreds of wights, both human and animal. Their volleys of arrows have no effect against the undead attackers and Mormont orders them to use fire arrows, slowing the wights but not stopping them. The Watch is quickly overrun, but Mormont is able to form up about fifty survivors to break out of the Fist."

The Scenario

This scenario utilizes the Others Faction. The Night's Watch have a slight advantage since the wights have to march through the stone ringwall, but by the time they breach the ruined walls it may already be too late for the Night's Watch to use them effectively.

This is a fan-made scenario inspired by CMON Limited’s A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game and is in no way associated with CMON.

Watercolor Penguin 2

    2023 Board Man Gaming. Created with

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