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Clash at Deepwood Motte

The king's men watched curiously as the northmen dressed themselves in branches. "Do you really think this shrubbery will fool the ironborn?"

The mountain clans muffled their laughter. "Aye. Their heads are full o' sea water. If ya stuck three saplings around 'em, they'd call it a forest. Like as not they'll reach for an apple off my head as I gut 'em. Us shrubs will send 'em running to you storm boys, and you better finish 'em."

The Story

"Stannis, now with three or four thousand men, attacks Deepwood Motte. Five men, including a Flint, climb Deepwood's eastern wall in an attempt to open the gate, but they are defeated by Asha's guards. Sybelle Glover and Deepwood's maester fail to convince Asha to surrender. From the watchtower Asha spots northmen camouflaged as trees. Seeing she is outnumbered, Asha decides to retreat back to her longships under cover of darkness."

Gameplay & Strategy

Baratheon and Greyjoy is always a great matchup because of their contrasting play styles. The Baratheons will want to grab the Objective tokens early and use their strong defensive capabilities to grind out a win via Victory Points. The Baratheon's speed issues are greatly negated by the expanded Deployment Zones. Use the Lightbringers to hide behind the Forests and fire at the low morale Greyjoys that are more than 6" away from Asha and her Rally Point ability. The Greyjoys will want to pick their spot and Charge in, hoping the Baratheons drop the tokens. Use Erik Ironmaker to generate tokens without having to cut through the tough Baratheon defense. He's also a good thematic pick since he's Asha's 'husband' back on the Iron Islands. Harlaw Reapers could also be a good pick as they Vicious will help with getting the Objective tokens off of the Baratheon units.

This is a fan-made scenario inspired by CMON Limited’s A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game and is in no way associated with CMON.

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    2023 Board Man Gaming. Created with

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