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Campaign of Thrones #15: The Climb

This is the fifteenth report in our narrative campaign series, Campaign of Thrones. After each battle, the characters on the losing side will potentially be captured or killed. This will transform the story as we know it, inspiring new ‘What If?’ scenarios and battle reports. Join us on this alternative dice-driven version of the War of the Five Kings and battle at the Wall.

This report is our first (and likely only) mini-game. Inspired by The Pass of Caradhras mini-game from the Quest of the Ringbearer supplement from Games Workshop’s Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game, this quick mini-game uses a deck of cards to simulate Jon Snow and the wildlings’ attempt to scale the colossal Wall. The rules are as follows:

The participants for this report are:

Jon Snow




1 Raid Leader

1 Skinchanger

The result of this mini-game will directly affect the next scenario these characters take part in, Queenscrown.

Round 1

First, we rolled for turn order and the results were:

1. Ygritte

2. Jon Snow (is this rigged?)

3. Jarl

4. Styr

5. Skinchanger

6. Raid Leader

The mini-game began with Ygritte and Jon both rolling 2 and heading up the middle row. Jarl, Styr, and the Skinchanger all moved along the bottom row. The Raid Leader decided that the best way to lead was to be independent, so he moved 2 spaces along the top row.

The 3 cards were drawn. The first card was actually a respite card, so nothing happened. The second card drawn blocked the path right in front of Jon and Ygritte, forcing them to either take wounds or change their course. The last card flipped blocked off the last card on the bottom row, blocking the exit for Jarl, Styr, and the Skinchanger.

Round 2

Ygritte rolled 2 and decided to head to the top row, the only row that did now have a flipped over card blocking the path. Jon rolled a 1 and made the tough decision to take 2 wounds and move through the flipped card in front of him.

The other characters continued to move forward, with both the Skinchanger and Raid Leader rolling a 3.

The first card drawn was the same card Ygritte was standing on, so she suffered 1 wound and dropped 1 space. The next card was the first card in the top row. The last card hits both Jarl and Styr. Jarl tumbles 3 spaces and hits the bottom (just like in the book), suffering 3 wounds and only having 3 remaining. Styr falls 1 space, suffering 1 wound from the hit and having 5 left.

The top, middle, and lower cards in the third column are all flipped, making the remaining journey very difficult for Ygritte, Styr, and Jarl. They must each take 2 wounds if they want to pass that column and continue up.

Round 3

Ygritte, Styr, and Jarl pass through a flipped card taking 2 wounds each. Ygritte and Styr had 3 wounds left and Jarl was down to his final wound. The rest of the characters moved forward.

The first card flipped in Round 3 is the one Styr is standing on, dealing him 1 wound and dropping him 2 spots. He is now trapped below the flipped column with only 2 wounds remaining, so he cannot move forward. His only option now is to try to retreat to the bottom. The second card flipped was the second and final respite card. The third card flipped hits the Skinchanger, dropping them 2 spaces. The bottom row is starting to look like an avalanche with over half of the cards now flipped over.

Round 4

The characters continue forward, with Jon, Ygritte, and the Raid Leader now close to the top. Styr successfully retreats to the bottom, so he survives but doesn’t make it over the Wall.

The three cards are flipped and this time no one is hit, but the bottom row is blocked up further and the Skinchanger now has no choice but to retreat.

Round 5

Jon, Jarl, and the Raid Leader successfully make it to the top of the Wall. Ygritte is one spot away from the top. The Skinchanger continues downward.

The card next to Ygritte is flipped, meaning if her card is revealed she will be trapped and killed. The first card is the one right behind her and the second is… also below her. Looks like Ygritte will survive to brutalize the southerners after all.

Round 6

Ygritte makes it to the top and the Skinchanger successfully retreats.

Ygritte: Success

Jon Snow: Success

Jarl: Success:

Raid Lader: Success

Styr: Fail (survives)

Skinchanger: Fail (survives)


I didn’t give much thought to the results beyond “I hope Jon doesn’t die,” but with what transpired, I decided this would have a big impact on what happened next.

With Styr stranded on the other side of the Wall, Jon & Ygritte became the de facto leaders of the raiding party. Jon was able to use his influence to make sure they didn’t attack any villagers around Queenscrown or burn Mole’s Town. Instead…



The noise halted almost as suddenly as it escaped the dying raider’s mouth. Ygritte’s eyes bolted open. Jon Snow stood over her, Longclaw once again pressed against her neck.


“Aye,” Jon said regretfully. “I’m sorry, Ygritte. I am.”

“Your words mean nothing,” she spat at him.

“They mean something. I pledge my life and honor to the Night’s Watch.” Jon picked Ygritte off the ground. She looked around the camp. Three wildling watchmen lay dead, throats sliced open. Several sleeping raiders looked like porcupines with dozens of arrows on their now hardened corpses.

“Cowards,” Ygritte sneered at Jon.

“We had to take out enough of the raiding party to make it safe to capture the rest,” Jon reasoned with her. “I saved you.”

“I never asked you to save me. You know what I’d want.”

“I know nothing,” Jon blushed.

Crack! Ygritte headbutted Jon. The pain was doubly bad in the morning chill. Blood gushed from his nose. A sworn brother grabbed Ygritte by the arms and led her away. “Curse you, Jon Snow, Jon Crow,” Ygritte barked, “and your black rats.”

Dolorous Edd and Jon watched as Ygritte was tossed into a wagon. “She’s angry with you,” Edd reported to Jon. “You must have diddled her completely wrong.”

“I did it just fine,” Jon answered nasally, fingers pinching his nose.

“Aye,” Edd said. “She didn’t break your dick after she busted your nose. Mayhaps there’s some hope for the two of you yet.”

They loaded up the rest of the raiders and headed back to Castle Black.

Watercolor Penguin 2

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