The horn echoed throughout the valley. HAAARRROOOOOOOOOOOO. Jaime's horse shuffled nervously. His soldiers looked to him for a command, an inspiring word... anything. The Kingslayer drew his sword. The horn blast trailed off. Now the only sound they could hear was thousands of trampling hooves storming down the hillside.
The Story
"Robb sends Brynden with a few hundred men carrying Tully banners to raid and draw Jaime from his camp at Riverrun. Expecting to crush a small force, Jaime and most of his cavalry are lured north of the Tumblestone to a forested valley where the rest of Robb's men are hidden. Lady Maege Mormont and Lord Jason Mallister wait east of the valley, while Lord Rickard Karstark is to the north. West is Ser Stevron Frey, and across a far ridge Lord Greatjon Umber."
Gameplay & Strategy
When designing custom scenarios, I try my best to capture the feeling of the event from the book or show. This is especially difficult when the event in question is an absolute beat down that shouldn’t really be competitive. I could alter things so that it becomes a typical 50/50 battle, but I find that a lot of the fun in playing these custom scenarios is setting it up as close to the event as possible and reliving the action. Some things turn out exactly like they do in the book or show, whereas other times the outcome is radically different.
House Stark does have a very powerful advantage from their superior starting position, but this presents an awesome challenge for the Lannister player. To somewhat balance this out, the Lannister’s main goal is not to fight back, but to retreat. With some daring maneuvers, Jaime could escape and win the day.
This is a fan-made scenario inspired by CMON Limited’s A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game and is in no way associated with CMON.
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